
Eks 14:20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. ka tonga teo anelanelan' ny tobin' ny Egyptiana sy ny tobin' ny Isiraely: dia teo ihany ny rahona sy ny fahamaizinana, nefa nampahazava ny alina kosa, ka dia tsy nifanatona izy roa tonta mandritra ny alina. Dia nankeo anelanelan' ny tobin' ny Ejipsiana sy ny tobin' ny zanak' Israely izy; maizina ny ilan' io rahona io; ary ny ilany manazava ny alina, ka tsy nifanatona ny toby roa nandritra ny alina. Elle vint entre le camp des Égyptiens et le camp d' Israël. La nuée était ténébreuse et la nuit s'écoula sans que l' un puisse s' approcher de l' autre de toute la nuit.